Forbidden Science & Silenced Stories
If you have been following me on Instagram (if you're not, you're missing out!!), you know that I recently shared the story of my father's death, which as his presiding specialist confirmed, was due to an acute autoimmune response to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Roughly 1000 people unfollowed me following that post, yet there were at least as many beautiful and heartbreaking personal stories shared in the comments section (1,435 and counting) and private messages that showed the real need for public discussion around hot topics such as this.
If you haven’t noticed already, it’s getting harder and harder to find ‘dissenting voices’ on many platforms these days: mainstream media, Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. This is PROFOUNDLY anti-scientific, so I would love you to share the very best of your data sources, scientists, doctors, immunologists, virologists and epidemiologists with me here. Below are a few of mine…
“Science has taken a turn towards darkness”. It sounds like this quote may have been delivered in a Church or Mosque, but in fact, it came from a respected medical doctor. Not just any doctor, however, but the 25-year editor of one of the most respected medical journals in the world. Marcia Angells showed great courage when she eventually publicly confessed that “the entire edifice of medicine is broken”.
But she said all this well before COVID-19 broke – so her statements are still on the record to stimulate further debate and enquiry. Will this be the case with COVID-19 data I wonder? The number of scientific witch-hunts that I have seen of late as respected scientists – epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists and doctors – have been publicly and viciously ‘cancelled’ is outrageous and truly alarming.
It feels like the general culture of the 911 ‘War on Terror’ has been extended to a ‘War on Data’ – yet this is even more terrifyingly Orwellian.
But why would all these scientists get professionally ‘burnt at the stake’?
Quite simply because they interpreted the data differently to the herd. Lest we forget: EVERY single scientific giant that we celebrate – from Copernicus to Einstein – achieved what they did by going against the scientific herd. That’s the heart of science.
That’s what we all love about science that the Church wasn’t able to do: to encourage debate and deepen enquiry. Yet it increasingly seems to me that not only is ‘God Dead’ as Nietzsche famously said, but now we must contemplate the awful possibility that ‘Science is broken’.
For when you find those who self-identify as skeptics telling you to just shut up and “trust the science”, you know something has gone terribly wrong.
Even Snoopy’s friend Woodstock has noticed that the common refrain of “Trust the science” is ironically “the most anti-scientific statement ever. Questioning is how you DO science”. Despite this, many of us are no longer hearing the scientists who still ‘question the science’ that their peers are conducting. This means that we are all in grave danger of forgetting that public debate and disagreement lay at the very heart of science.
It is my commitment to you Sweet Friend, that I will continue to be brave and to share with you through my newsletters and Social Media the stories and studies that others dare not whenever I feel the need is in the public interest.
Thank you for your willingness to listen to what others will not. We don't have to agree with each other, but we do need to discuss such matters.
Much Heart to You All,