The Fall Of Libidinous Love…

Photo by Wallner on Pixabay

You wouldn’t think it to look at the hyper-sexualised global culture we live in but actual libido is declining across both genders. Sure the spirit is often willing, but the flesh is increasingly weak.  

Nourishing the old Gods within us of Eros & Aphrodite is now officially a part of wellbeing that we all need to engage in. But what to do? 

When I discovered that the testicles of alligators in the Americas were officially shrinking I knew we were in trouble. We’ve industrialised the world to such an extent that it’s not just us humans that are feeling the pinch. The grey-space of the modern world is the cloak of a God that is all cogs & diodes & carbon emissions – meanwhile, the alligator-like libidinous force that ripens the ovum and drives the thrashing tail of sperm is an endangered yet divine species. 

As Freud understood however, libido is not just our appetite for sex, but our appetite for life itself.



Ask yourself this Sweet Friend

"Where is the space for the raw and untamed within my current life?"



Clients report to me again and yet again that they either have difficulty getting physically aroused (maintaining an erection for men or lubricating properly for women) or just that their interest in sexual intimacy is declining before their time. 


There are bio-chemical explanations for this that centre around industrial xeno-estrogens and our limited capacity to clear them – but it’s also a cultural thing. Everyone is already over-stimulated and the time, rest and space allowed to shift gears from the stock-exchange of life to s.l.o.w.l.y. parting the 7 veils of Aphrodite is a vanishingly rare commodity indeed.



So what do we do about it, Sweet Friend?

Although this month I’m sharing my herbal formula LUST FOR LIFE KIT with you – as always, it’s not just about pills and potions. 


In fact, it’s overwhelmingly about you and the life you choose each day, but medicines can help support the change you want to be in the world.

I have to emphasize that one of the most potent aphrodisiacs I know is time and space outside of the pressures and pace of everyday life

If you want to build a shrine to Eros or Aphrodite in your life, then start by simply making space for them to share their delightful gifts.

With Heart,


Five Detox Myths


Transforming Pain…